Juliet is a cat that comes in to the warehouse to eat once or twice a month. She was in a couple of days in a row, so I borrowed a trap and caught her. She was spayed Saturday.
I heard some screaming this morning and in a hole in the wall I found...her 4 kittens. It took me several hours to get them out. I had the first 3 set up in a crate with their mom, Juliet, and they were nursing. Then I heard more crying. So I went back to the hole. I could not get this last one and after about an hour I let mom loose hoping she would go in and get her. No such luck. I left the warehouse for about a half hour hoping she would get her, when I returned I heard the crying was louder and I went to the hole I saw a little gray and white tuxedo screaming. I stuck my arm in and finally got her. Here they are.
This one is a TALKER!
Luckily, they are all very healthy. I put them all in the crate and left food for Juliet. I covered the crate and left the door open so she could get in. I went to my apartment to get KMR just in case she did not return. Their teeth are just pushing through their gums, so I assume they are about 2.5 to 3 weeks.
When I returned, Juliet was seen running away from the area (also the area where the feeder is), but there was no sign of her in the crate. I checked the food - untouched - and I checked the bedding for paw dirt - clean. I fed the kittens KMR (they were very hungry - man did I feel terrible) and put them back in the crate. I left for 2 hours and returned to find no sign of their mom. I fed them again and left. By the end of the day I had to make a decision. I wanted them to be with mom, but I did not want to leave them there overnight and chance that mom would not return or would be locked out of the warehosue. So just before the warehouse locked up for the night, I took them. I feel terrible. I have to work tomorrow, so would not be able to put them back and watch for mom and feed them every few hours. A woman in the neighborhood with bottle baby experience is fostering them and will find them homes. She has experience working with a rescue and she works at a vet office in the neighborhood, so they will be well cared for.
Sorry little guys, I goofed that up. But you look great and I'm sure you'll be just fine.
Sorry little guys, I goofed that up. But you look great and I'm sure you'll be just fine.
Good luck little ones:)