Tuesday, August 14, 2012


After  picking up some supplies, and Mr. Eko's quality control check, it was time to prep the traps for the Greasy Paws lot
I needed to elevate them and wrap them in plastic in case of bad weather. I also locked the doors open so no-one could trap in our absence. We locked them to the fence inside the lot so no-one would steal the traps and so we could feed in them for a few days to get the cats used to walking in and out of them. One trap I elevated with pvc pipe, the other with 2x4s. I used padlocks, bike locks and chain and lock combos.

I made a sign to explain what we were doing and to encourage feeders to help us to be successful by not feeding. Some helped, some completely ignored our plea for collaboration.
Food and water were placed in the traps and Lisa and I shared shifts to refill the food daily as well as pull food left by uncooperative feeders. Yes, at least one feeder continued to feed throughout the whole project. If you are reading this, you were successful in keeping at least one of the cats from being removed from a hostile situation and moved into a colony with his litter mates and friends where they are wanted, congratulations. 

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